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What is it?
Alkotox is a remedy for alcoholism that can eliminate addiction, regardless of the cause of its development, the limitation period, the stage at the time of initiation of therapy. The drug was developed taking into account the fact that all organs of people with alcohol addiction are affected. Therefore, the formula of the product has a comprehensive positive effect on health. The innovative development is released in the form of a solution, so you will not have any difficulties with calculating the dosage yourself. The product has a certificate, the document confirms the effectiveness and safety of treatment with these products.
Product name | Alkotox |
Official site | www.Alkotox.com |
Price Alkotox | 39$ |
Country | United Kingdom, USA, India, Philippines |
Storage conditions | Keep it away from children |
Availability on Amazon | Availability in pharmacies |
Availability in pharmacies | No |
Payment | Cash-on-delivery |
Delivery time | 5-10 days |
Availability | In stock |
Composition | All-natural |
Reviews | Mostly positive |
Composition of the product
The drug for alcoholism Alkotox contains natural substances that do not cause negative effects on human health. Solution composition:- Koprinus, hellebore, glutamine, extract of Pueria lobata - develop an aversion to alcohol, gradually cleanse the blood of alcohol toxins.
- Glycine, cysteine, tryptophan, succinic and ascorbic acid - normalize brain function, restore the ability to concentrate and think.
- Vitamins of group B - improve the state of the nervous system, prevent sudden mood swings.
- Selenium, zinc, magnesium - normalize blood supply to organs, which helps to avoid heart attack, stroke and other disorders.
- European Clefthoof extract - improves overall health, strengthens the immune system.
Instructions for use
To get rid of alcoholism, the drug must be added to food or water, 100 ml, once a day. The product needs to be stirred, drunk, without dividing it into several parts. The duration of the therapeutic course in the case of unburdened alcohol dependence is a month. If at the time of the start of treatment complications have begun (heart problems, liver problems), the solution must be consumed for exactly 2 months.How does it work?
The drug Alkotox has an antioxidant, regenerating effect. The components of the product develop a dislike for alcoholic beverages and start the process of gradual restoration of all body systems. The solution normalizes physical and psychological well-being. Drops prevent relapse of alcoholism.
Indications for use
The optimized internal composition of the drug is able to provide a comprehensive restoration of all functions of internal organs. Frequent binges and hangovers lead to the fact that the negative effect of alcohol intoxication on the body becomes less. And it is much easier for a person to tolerate excessive amounts of alcohol. The drug can be used by people who have chronic diseases.Contraindications
There are no side effects. Use is permissible even at retirement age.Doctor's review
Methods such as coding and treatment in drug treatment clinics have long faded into the background. Today, there are many modern and effective ways to get rid of alcohol addiction, which help relieve the patient from unhealthy cravings for alcohol. One of these methods is the intake of a herbal preparation such as Alkotox. Before proceeding with radical measures, I always prescribe this drug to my patients. Often, this is enough for the patient to be able to independently abandon the addiction.Price Alkotox
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I am Cole Munoz, an editor of the health and sport section. I have a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Utah and I am currently pursuing my master's degree in sports journalism at Syracuse University. I have always loved writing, and I am passionate about helping others learn about health and fitness.
We updated the review:
I could not even imagine my life without hard drinking. It even became scary at times. I wanted, of course, to change everything, but I did not have enough willpower. But there was no desire to continue falling to the bottom. When he lost his job, he began to use Alkotox already through force. Mom bought it for me. The treatment lasted two months. And now, a year later, I have not touched the glass. Even in a company I don't strain when someone drinks.
I couldn't even think that this nightmare would end. The husband drank for seven years. And the last year did not go to hard drinking at all. Was going to file for divorce. He recovered slightly and agreed to treatment. Acquired Alkotox. I took it for a month and a half. Now he himself recalls that time with horror and does not understand how he could behave this way.
I opted for Alkotox. I have never regretted it. The drug can even be given discreetly. The effect is simply amazing. From the vodka was discouraged after the first intake. Only here at first it is slightly nauseous. But the result exceeds all expectations.