What is it?
Rhino-Correct is an innovative, safe and healthy device that allows you to change the shape and length of your nose without surgery. The product is a special type of clip. To master it, use it does not require special medical knowledge and skills. The corrector can be used at home for women and men, regardless of age. To correct imperfections in appearance, it is not required to carry out plastic surgery, painful injections, a positive outcome of which even experienced surgeons cannot guarantee.
Product name | Rhino-Correct |
Official site | www.Rhino-Correct.com |
Price Rhino-Correct | 39$ |
Country | United Kingdom, USA, India, Philippines |
Storage conditions | Keep it away from children |
Availability on Amazon | Availability in pharmacies |
Availability in pharmacies | No |
Payment | Cash-on-delivery |
Delivery time | 5-10 days |
Availability | In stock |
Composition | All-natural |
Reviews | Mostly positive |
Composition of the product
The device uses transparent plastic with hypoallergenic properties. The material does not cause irritation, inflammation, and is absolutely harmless to humans. Due to this, the corrector has the following characteristics:- Long term use.
- The product is available for hygienic processing. When caring for the device, it is enough to regularly wipe the surface with an antiseptic cloth.
- No spots, wounds, bruises or other injuries form on the skin after using the clamp.
- Lightweight at 15 g, small dimensions make it easy to transport, carry clips.
Instructions for use
To achieve a lasting effect on changing appearance, it is necessary to complete a full course of Rhino-Correct application, designed for 3-4 months. The term depends on the initial shape of the nose and the parameters that are planned to be achieved. The clothespin is put on the nose parallel to the back so that the lower part of the device presses the nose tip. At the same time, the clip does not squeeze the nostrils, and allows you to breathe freely. The corrector must be worn for 2 hours, the procedure is repeated 3 times a day.How does it work?
Correction is achieved by prolonged pressure on the cartilaginous part. Constant mechanical action allows you to smooth humps, reduce the length and width of the nose, and eliminate the asymmetry of shapes. The clamp also allows you to correct defects resulting from various kinds of injuries. The first signs of a change in appearance appear after 2 weeks of using the clip. Systematic application of Rhino-Correct during the recommended period will allow you to achieve the desired length, shape of the nose, and transform your appearance for the better.
Indications for use
The Rhino-Correct is used to smooth out the hump of the nose. The tool normalizes the position of the respiratory canals and helps restore the airways. Eliminates the asymmetry of the nose, slightly lifts it and narrows it. An additional indication for the use of a langette is the lack of result from the use of other means. Also, the corrector is used in the case when there are contraindications for the passage of injection or surgical correction of the nose.Contraindications
The only direct contraindication to using Rhino-Correct is if you are allergic to the material from which this product is made. The corrector is not used in pediatric practice when the formation of the nose occurs, and wearing this brace is impractical. An additional contraindication to the use of the product is breathing difficulties, a violation of the structure of the respiratory tract.Doctor's review
“Rhino-Correct is a useful novelty because the langette allows you to correct the shape and length of the nose without surgery or injection. In order for the product to provide the expected effect, this tool must be applied correctly, fully following the recommendations from the instructions. The products are made of hypoallergenic material, which allows you to take the course without negative health effects. The corrector helps to correct the imperfections of the nose, regardless of the cause of their appearance, the limitation period of the condition. "Price Rhino-Correct
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I am Cole Munoz, an editor of the health and sport section. I have a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Utah and I am currently pursuing my master's degree in sports journalism at Syracuse University. I have always loved writing, and I am passionate about helping others learn about health and fitness.
We updated the review:
“Rhino-Correct products have been a real lifesaver for me. After the injury, I had obvious problems with my appearance - those that cannot be disguised with makeup and cannot be hidden under my hair. This corrector helped to eliminate the deformity of the nose. I used it daily, without deviating from the schedule. The full course took 2.5 months, because my situation was difficult, and now everything is fine. "
“I bought Rhino-Correct online to finally get rid of my long-standing nose complex. Thanks to the use of langettes, she eliminated deformation, reduced its width, and raised the tip. It is good that there are such products, thanks to which you can get rid of problems with your appearance without surgeries and injections. "
“The Rhino-Correct has helped to eliminate the hump that appeared on the nose after the injury. I wanted to get rid of this deficiency with the help of rhinoplasty, but it turned out that the operation was contraindicated for me for health reasons. Therefore, I used a splint and in 1 month I received the expected result. I am satisfied with the effect of this remedy. "